Old Deseret Village, Utah

Old Deseret Village

Old Deseret Village is located at the east of Salt Lake City, Utah. Pictured is the Old Deseret Village at This Is The Place Heritage Park courtesy of Corey Maylett. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.

Old Deseret Village at This Is The Place Heritage Park

The This is the Place Heritage Park is located on the east side of Salt Lake City. It is comprised of replica and authentic pioneer homes and buildings from various locations around Utah.

The Smith House is reputedly haunted by a female apparition that appears angry, as it shakes her fist at people walking past the premises. It is believed to be Mary Fielding Smith, the second wife of Latter Day Saint leader Hyrum Smith. A clock is also heard chiming inside the house.

Unusual light anomalies have been reported inside the Brigham Young Farmhouse. In the Hiram L. Andrus house, electrical items have been found unplugged. The apparition of a Mormon Battalion soldier has been sighted near the Mary Fielding Smith house.

Pictured left is the Smith House and statue of Mary Fielding Smith.

2601 E Sunnyside Avenue South, Salt Lake City, UT 84108, USA.


For further information, please read Haunted Utah by Andy Weeks.

For further information, please read Apparition Atlas: Ghost Hunter's Travel Guide to Haunted America by Mark P. Donnelly and Daniel Diehl.